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Free Donlowad GAME Diablo 2: Lord of Destruction

Diablo 2: Lord of Destruction
DOWNLOAD GAME Diablo 2: Lord of Destruction (PC/ENG) 

The adventurers ascend Mount Arreat whereas helping the individuals of Harrogath. They kill Elder Nihlathak for granting Baal access to the Worldstone Keep. and therefore the player, once passing the take a look at of the ancients at Mount Arreat, gains access to the keep. once defeating Baal's pack of minions at the Throne of Destruction, they have interaction Baal within the Worldstone Chamber and defeat him. The Archangel Tyrael seems once Baal's defeat however with the Worldstone corrupted by Baal, Tyrael has no selection however to destroy it.

Size: 2 GB
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You nid to mount iso file wit daemon tool
Install D2 > Patch D2 > Install LOD > Patch LOD

Instruction how to install Diablo 2:
Lord of Destruction

1. Go to your Diablo 2:LOD specified extracted folder.
2. Click the "Expansion.iso" for the installation.
3. Go back to the folder "Diablo 2" to get the keygen for Diablo 2:LOD
4. Follow the installation process.
5. You'll see the crack folder inside.. but don't use it..
6. Open the "Expansion.iso" then copy the file "D2xVideo.mpq and D2xMusic.mpq" to play the game without CD requirement.
7. Now you're done to play the diablo 2: Lord of Destruction.

How to update Diablo 2:
Lord Of Destruction

1. Go to your folder "Diablo 2" not the expansion folder.
2. Then find the file "LODpatch_112a".
3. Install it..
4. You're Done..
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